Add impressive income to your business by carrying out your own property reports
Ever thought about carrying out your own property reports in house? With the right manpower and resources, carrying out your own property reports can save you time, money, and even generate extra revenue.
With this in mind, EZ Property Reports have developed a state of the art property reporting app to make the property reporting process more efficient for you. Our software will allow you to take full control of your inventory, check in and check out reports yourself. These reports are customisable and can be completed on the road, bringing you full flexibility.

Complete reports in-house
At EZ, we really care about top quality property reporting. That is why our knowledgeable clerks will take the time to train your staff to complete these reports quickly and easily, providing you with all the tools and support to do so.
Generate extra income
Did you know that every time you complete a report using our white-labelled software, you can earn money? This builds up to a steady stream of revenue for your business.
That means that not only does the app save you money on outsourcing property reports, but it can actively bring in money to your business.

Manage your team with ease
With a backend platform for organising appointments, managing timetables and approving holiday, the EZ Property Reports app makes team management a breeze. Never find yourself short-staffed again!